NEU 0151-70074863 (auch für SMS, Telegram und Signal)

Tantric wet rituals as a welcome

In the Tantra ritual water stands first of all for purification in the broadest sense. We leave behind all chronic, currently negative feelings, such as stress, anger or pain, as well as the entire everyday life with its effort.

This service is a sign and expression of the appreciation of your masseuse towards you – her massage recipient. After this cleansing ritual, which also creates a space of trust, security and safety between you, you can then let go more easily. The nervousness and your tension before your, perhaps first tantra massage is then already wiped away. You can settle down like a newborn on the warm, lovingly prepared tantric camp – and let everything happen. Your share is then only: enjoy, enjoy, enjoy – with every breath!

Symbolically, the draining water frees you from everything that disturbs and burdens you. Afterwards you can relax on the lovingly prepared, pre-warmed massage island for tantra massage.

Tantric wet rituals

Blind Date

Tantric Bath Ritual

The masseuse devotes herself to individual body regions while you can loll in the warm water.

Tantric Shower Ritual

In the tantra shower ritual your masseuse accompanies you, soaps you, massages you gently with the foam.

Foot Bath with Foot Massage

Foot bath with foot massage, a loving version of worship


Massages are generally only possible after prior arrangement.

Appointments: Daily from 9:00 to 23:30.
+49 151 40 300 611 or 0911 – 44 07 16
Usually mails are answered within 24 hours. For spontaneous appointments please contact us by phone, SMS or WhatsApp. Thank you!
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